Resolution for the International Women's Year

CM/Res. 395 (XXIV)

CM/Res.390 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its 24th Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 13 to 21 February 1975,

Taking note of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2460 (XXIV) and 2416

(XXV) and the ECOSOC resolution 1408 (XLVI);

Recognizing the existence of the Pan-African Women’s Organization with Headquarters in Algeria as the only continental Women’s Organi zation in Africa;

Concerned with the social and economic emancipation of women in general and of Pan African womanhood in particular;

Mindful of the need for each of our national governments to renew and evaluate their various programs for the role of women in the development of their countries.

Fully aware of the participation of women in multiple roles in the development of the continent;

  1. ENDORSES the UN General Assembly Resolution on International Women’s Year, 1975;

  1. CONGRATULATES the Pan-African Women’s Organization for its efforts towards the social, political and economic emancipation of women on the Continent;

  1. URGES all national Governments of Member States of the OAU to encourage, initiate or intensify the participation of their National Women’s Organizations in the Pan African Women’s Organization;

  1. INVITES all Member States to pay special attention to increasing opportunities for the increased participation of women in the development of their countries through intensified programs for education and training availability of health facilities, water

supplies and other labour saving technologies, access to employment, including self employment and participation on policy making bodies.

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