Resolution on the Drought in Africa

CM/Res. 406 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13rh to 21st February, 1975,

Considering the dangerous spread of the drought disaster and the tragic situation,

Noting with concern the persistent shortage in food production in the Sudano- Sahelian countries as well as in other regions and islands of Africa as a result of the drought which has been prevailing for several years and which is still spreading into other regions of Africa,

Recalling resolutions CM/Res. 316 (XI) and CM/Res. 336 (XXIII),

Convinced the need for drawing up an overall strategy at continental level in order to deal with this disaster,

  1. CONGRATULATES the General Secretariat on the action already undertaken in the implementation of the previous resolutions on the problem of the drought in Africa;

  1. APPROVES the report CM/640/Rev.1 (XXIV) and adopts the recommendations of the Ad-Hoc Committee which met in Addis Ababa from 20 to 21 January 1975;

  1. REITERATES its appeal to Member States to pay their contributions to the Emergency Relief Fund which has been opened at the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia in order to enable the General Secretariat to take practical action for the benefit of our unfortunate brothers before the next Assembly of Heads of State due to be held in July 1975;

  1. REQUESTS the Ad-Hoc Committee to undertake studies in other African countries where drought is spreading;

  1. REQUESTS Member States and all competent specialized organizations to co- operate fully with the General Secretariat of OAU in the implementation of Resolution CM/336 (XXIII) and the recommendations of the Ad-Hoc Committee.

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