Resolution on Meteorological Services and Socia-Economic Development in Africa

CM/Res. 407 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13rh to 21st February, 1975,

Considering with deep concern the wide spread human suffering and the devastating effects on the socio-economic development of the drought- and tropical cyclones – stricken countries in Africa;

Recalling Resolution CM/336 (XXIII) requesting detailed studies on the origin of drought,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on drought in


Being convinced that the results of in-depth studies on the origin and characteristics of drought will assist the African governments concerned to prepare long -term plan to migrate the effects of possible future drought, especially from the point of view of optimum land use,

Recognizing that the availability of adequate meteorological and climatological information is essential to carry out reliability these studies and also reduce the serious damage caused by tropical cyclones in the African countries of the Indian Ocean and the Horn of Africa,

Noting part C of ECOSOC Resolution 1728 (LIII), by which the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations drew the attention of the Governments to the need for recognizing the vital character of their atmospheric and hydrological resources in maintaining progress in economic and social development, including the protection of life and property against weather related disasters,

  1. URGES that the national meteorological services in Africa should be developed and geared to serve the socio-economic development in their respective countries in order to assist the African governments on a sound scientific basis, in their

efforts to mitigate the effects of drought, tropical cyclones and other weather - related disasters as well as in the major efforts for the rational exploitation and conservation of their natural resources (particularly vegetation, water, marine and energy resources) and the solution of related environmental problems;

  1. URGES FURTHER African governments to support the balanced development of their national Meteorological Services, thereby ensuring that these services can make their fullest contribution to the different human activities affected by weather and climate, thus contributing to the well-being of African peoples,

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to establish close contacts with the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization on matters of mutual interests for OAU and WMO particularly the latter’s act ivities related to drought and tropical cyclones in Africa.

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