Resolution on Establishment of an OAU Technical Co-Operation Fund

CM/Res. 412 (XXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 13rh to 21st February, 1975,

Having considered document CM/637 (XXIV) Technical Co-operation Programme,

DECIDES to establish an OAU Technical Co-operation fund:

  1. The OAU Technical Co-operation shall be separate from the OAU’s regular budget but administered according to the administrative and financial rules and regulations of the OAU General Secretariat and subject to audit by the OAU internal and external auditors,

  1. The OAU Technical Co-operation fund shall not be financed by the OAU regular budget,

  1. The OAU Technical Co-operation fund shall be financed by voluntary contributions in cash and in kind from:

    1. Member States;

    2. African governmental and non-governmental Organizations;

    3. The United Nations, Agencies and Institutions of the UN Family;

    4. Various Arab Funds for co-operation and development, within the framework of Afro-Arab Co-operation;

    5. Friendly countries, within the framework of their technical co-operation programme for the continent;

    6. Various African and Foreign foundations.

  1. Funds from non-African financial sources as set out in sub-paragraphs d, e and f should be submitted to the OAU Advisory Committee for approval.

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