Resolutions on Assistance to the Newly Independent States

CM/Res. 420 (XXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Fifth Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Hailing with profound satisfaction the accession to independence of Mozambique, Cape Verde Islands, Comoro Islands and Sao Tome and Principe,

Noting that it is through immense human and material sacrifices that the peoples of these territories have attained their national sovereignty,

Conscious of the difficulties inherent in the decolonization process a national reconstruction with which these new States are confronted,

Considering that this courageous and victorious struggle of these territories has facilitated their attainment of international sovereignty,

Desirous of providing every possible assistance to these new states to consolidate and strengthen their hard-won independence,

  1. DECIDES to set up a special assistance fund for the four newly independent states;

  1. DECIDES that this fund will be financed by voluntary contribution from:

  • OAU Member States

  • Non-African governmental and non-governmental Organizations

  • Various Arab Funds for Co-operation and development

  • Countries that are friends of Africa;

  1. URGENTLY appeals to all OAU Member States to contribute to this fund as soon as possible;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to take the necessary steps to set up the fund and ensure its operation as soon as possible, as well as the co- ordination of aid.

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