Resolution on Zimbabwe

CM/Res. 429 (XXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Fifth Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Noting that the minority regime of Ian Smith and the British Government have proved that they have no serious intention to resolve the Rhodesian problem through constitutional discussions but that on the contrary, the Smith regime is stepping up its efforts toward total war and further aggression on the African people of Zimbabwe,

Considering that Vorster’s détente manoeuvres on Rhodesia are a transparent trick to frustrate majority rule and to disarm the freedom fighters as a way of gaining time for the Smith regime to reinforce and consolidate its forces of oppression for the further aggression,

Welcoming the unity of the people of Zimbabwe under the ANC,

CALLS UPON the people of Zimbabwe:

  1. To consolidate their unity and make it a forceful and an unassailable instrument for their liberation;

  1. To immediately intensify their armed struggle and consolidate the gains they hare already achieved;

further calls upon all member States of the Organization all friendly countries; national and international Organizations;

  1. To intensify their economic and diplomatic campaign to completely isolate the Rhodesian racist minority regime;

  1. To give increased material and financial assistance to the ANC, the sole representative of the people of Zimbabwe to enable it to carry out an effective campaign.

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