Resolutions on the Council of foreign Ministers of Non-Aligned Countries

CM/Res. 434 (XXV)


To be held in Lima from 25 August to 29 August 1975.

The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its 25th

Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Recalling that Non-Alignment is one of the fundamental principles of the OAU Charter and that the African countries contribute positive contributions to the development and expansion of the non-aligned movement;

Considering the association of OAU Member States with the Non-Aligned Movements and their acceptance of the principles and objectives of non-alignment;

Reaffirming the determination of the OAU Member States to work for increased solidarity and co-operation with all the peoples in the Third World;

Convinced that the steps initiated by OAU and member countries of this Organization with a view to ensuring justice, stability and progress for all, involve close co-ordination of sports within Africa, with other non-aligned countries and with the Third World countries;

Aware of the special importance of the work of the Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned countries schedules to be held in Lima, Peru, from 25 to 29 August 1975, just before the 7th Extraordinary Session and the 30th Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly;

RECOMMENDS that the OAU Member Countries participate, at the Ministerial level, in this Conference and work for its success.

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