Resolution on Southern Africa

CM/Res. 455 (XXVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,

Considering the aggressive, imperialist and expansionist policy of the racist and fascist regime of Pretoria which has been exemplified by the criminal invasion of the People’s Republic of Angola and the violation of its sovereignty and territorial integri ty,

Considering that any act of aggression, against any OAU Member State, is an act of aggression against the whole of Africa,

Considering that such acts of aggression are part of the global imperialist strategy aimed at undermining genuine African independence, pose a serious threat to peace and security of the continent and the oceans around it, in particular the Indian and Atlantic Oceans,

Noting with grave concern that the Pretoria regime has with characteristic arrogance passed the unprecedented “South Africa Defence Act” by which it arrogates to itself the right to invade any country South of the Equator,

Recalling the numerous Resolutions of the OAU and the UN which unequivocally condemn Apartheid as a crime against humanity and a threat to peace and security in Africa and the world and which recommend to all justice and peace loving peoples to cease all collaboration direct or indirect with the Pretoria regime,

Recalling in particular the relevant resolutions of the 9th Extraordinary Session of the Council of Ministers held in Dar-es-Salaam from the 7th to the 10th of April, 1975,

Considering that the Pretoria regime continues to pursue its hideous policy of Bantustanization which constitutes the complete denial of human rights and the right of self- determination.

Emphasizing that recent development and actions of racist regime add to the irrefutable testimony of the crimes of the regime against the people of South Africa and humanity,

  1. WARMLY CONGRATULATES the heroic people of Angola who under the leadership of the MPLA have resisted South African aggression thus shattering the myth of the superiority and invincibility of the white fascist military regime and its allies;

  1. DEPLORES AND CONDEMNS and collaboration with the Pretoria regime;

  1. SOLEMNLY DECLARES that the so-called “South Africa Defence Act” is tantamount to a declaration of war by the fascist and racist regime against the whole of Africa and that Africa is duty bound to prepare collectively to fight back to safeguard its dignity, its territorial integrity and its sovereignty;

  1. REITERATES its condemnation of the policy of Apartheid and categorically rejects the so-called “independence of Bantustan” and urges OAU Member States not to recognize any Bantustan and to intensify the campaign against international recognition of the puppet States;

  1. WELCOMES with satisfaction that the striking victories over Portuguese colonialism and fascism in Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe over colonialism and fascism, have irreversibly changed the balance of forces in favour of the Liberation Movements in Southern Africa;

  1. HAILS the valiant freedom fighters of the ANC of Zimbabwe who in spite of the differences within the leadership of the movement have United their ranks and have intensified the armed struggle against the minority racist regime of Ian Smith and calls upon OAU Member States to increase quantitatively and qualitatively their material their material assistance to maintain and to uplift the tempo of the intensified armed struggle;

  1. CALLS UPON all OAU Member States to meet their obligations in order to enable the Liberation Committee to increase its financial and material assistance to SWAPO who has intensified the armed struggle against South African

domination in Namibia and commends the efforts deployed by SWAPO in the struggle thus contributing to alleviate the burden put on Angola by the South African army’s aggression;

  1. RESOLVES to support the intensified struggle against the South African racists and the growing resistance of the peoples of Southern Africa in spite of the growth of fascist terror;

  1. RECOMMENDS the review of the Dar-es-Salaam Declaration and resolves to increase the financial and material assistance to the Liberation Movements of South Africa thereby augmenting its striking power against the Pretoria regime inside South Africa itself;

  1. RECOMMENDS the full discussion of the international legal Status of racist South Africa at the 27th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers to be held in Port Louis, Mauritius.

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