CM/Res. 460 (XXVI)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,
Having considered the Report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the Palestine question document CM/722 (XXVI),
Having heard of the statement of the Representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization,
Recalling the Declaration on Palestine, all other relevant Resolutions and in particular Resolution CM/Res. 452/Rev. 1 (XXV) adopted at its 25th Session held in Kampala from 18 to 23 July 1975,
Guided by the principles and provisions of the Charter of the OAU and UN,
Noting with pride and appreciation the heroic sacrifices of the Palestine People in the face of the Zionist racist aggressors, for the liberation of Palestine,
Having studied the developments of the Palestine cause and the grave situation arising from the continued occupation by Israel of Arab territories, its usurpation of the rights of the Palestine people, its refusal to abide by the United Nations’ resolutions in this respect, particularly the General Assembly resolutions No. 3236 and 3237 adopted during its 29th Session, its denial of the national rights of the Palestine people in Palestine and their homeland, their right to self-determination without any foreign intervention and national sovereignty over their territory and the continued Israeli usurpation f Palestine and the dispersal of its people;
Considering that this situation constitutes a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter and resolution as well as of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and that its continuation represents a grave threat to international peace and security;
Reasserting the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestine people for the restoration of their full national rights,
Considering that the support of the Member States of the OAU for the people of Palestine in their struggle for the restoration of their national rights in Palestine and for self- determination is a duty imposed by Afro-Arab solidarity,
Expressing its conviction that the military, economic, political and moral support to Israel by a number of States, notably the USA enables it to persist in its policy of aggression and to further reinforce its usurpation of Palestine,
Considering that maintaining relations with Israel in the political, economic, trade, communications and other domains assists it to reinforce its usurpation of Palestine and to persist in its expansionist policy of aggression,
Expressing its satisfaction with the United Nations General Assembly resolution at its thirteenth session, considering Zionism a sort of racial discrimination, thus reaffirming that the racist regimes in Palestine, South Africa and Zimbabwe are the same in their imperialist, racist and settler structure,
To provide full and effective support to the Palestine people in their legitimate struggle to restore their national rights in Palestine, in particular:
their rights to return to their homeland, Palestine and property.
their right to self-determination without any foreign intervention.
exercise of their right to national sovereignty over their territory.
establishment of their independence national authority.
To work in all domains to concretize recognition of their rights and to respect them. The Member States of the OAU also undertake to adopt all measures towards that end.
To promote co-ordination between the OAU and PLO to lay down a strategy for the liberation of Palestine, since the problem of Palestine has been considered an African cause.
AGAIN INVITES all countries to support the Palestinian people through all means possible in their struggle against the racist colonialist Zionists for the restoration of all their national rights and to confirm that the restoration of these rights is an essential condition for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East;
CALLS UPON the United Nations to implement its resolutions 3236 and 3237 adopted by the General Assembly at its Twenty-Ninth Session;
REASSERTS that the Palestine Liberation Organizations is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestine people;
REITERATES that it is desirable, in order to ensure the success of the PLO in its struggle to concretize the future of the State of the Palestinian people. to give it every possibility and opportunity to increase its contacts with governments of Member States;
CONDEMNS Israel’s violation of human rights in the occupied Arab territories and its refusal to implement the Geneva Convention of 1949, its policy of judaizing the physical and cultural aspects of the occupied territories and considers that such acts and behaviour are war crimes as well as being a challenge to mankind at large;
CONSIDERS that all the measures adopted by Israel in the occupied Arab territories and designed to alter their demographic, geographical, social, cultural and economic aspects – including those aiming at judaizing the Holy City of Jerusalem are null and void and that under no circumstances can these measures or their consequences be recognized;
CONDEMNS all States that provide military, economic and human support to Israel and calls upon them to desist from doing so forthwith;
CALLS on all Member States to continue to severe political, cultural and economic relations with Israel, in order to further consolidate Afro -Arab solidarity;
REQUESTS the Secretary-General to follow the development of the Question of Palestine and submit a report to the Twenty-Seventh Session.