Resolution on the Anti-Rinderpest Campaign in East Africa

CM/Res. 462 (XXVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,

Having examined the request submitted by the representatives of Sudan, Ethiopia and Tanzania on the need to pursue the anti-rinderpest campaign in East Africa,

Having taken note of the observation and comments made by the General Secretariat of the OAU Relating to the activities of the International Co-ordination Unit for Anti- Rinderpest Campaign in East Africa,


  1. to note the sum of US$ 51,800 for the payment of salaries of the unit entrusted with the campaign in East Africa, on condition that funds be found to pursue the campaign in Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia;

  1. appeals to concerned international Organizations for funds to continue the campaign;

  1. requests the Administrative Secretary-General to include this item in the agenda of the meeting of African Veterinarians to be held in Algiers in Oct ober 1976.

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