Resolution on Drought and Other Natural Disasters in Africa

CM/Res. 465 (XXVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,

Having studied the report on the third session of the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought in Africa,

Considering the recommendations of the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought meeting in its third session,

Recalling resolution CM/Res. 336 (XXIII) on the drought and resolution CM/Res.

450 (XXV) on drought and natural disasters in Africa,

  1. COMMENDS the General Secretariat and the Ad Hoc Committee on drought on the action already taken;

  1. REITERATES its appeal to all Member States to make available to the General Secretariat, periodically, the necessary information on the state of drought and natural disasters in their respective countries and the magnitude of aid required for mitigating drought and other natural disasters;

  1. REITERATES further its appeal to each Member State to pay its obligatory contributions to the emergency relief fund, which consists of 1/15th of its contribution to the OAU ordinary budget and which will cover a period of five years starting from January 1976;

  1. AUTHORIZE the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought to look into other natural disasters such as floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc.;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought be called OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought and other natural disaster in Africa and that it should be composed of Algeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Upper Volta and Zaire.

  1. In view of the magnitude of the problem the OAU General Secretariat should seek support from the UN bodies and its specialized agencies as well as from other International Communities for mitigating drought;

  1. The OAU Ad Hoc Committee on drought and other natural disasters should determine the criteria for the allocation of the Emergency Relief Fund to the Member States Affected by drought and other Natural disasters.

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