Resolution on the Co-operation Between the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food and the Relevant U N Bodies and its Specialized Agencies

CM/Res. 469 (XXVI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March 1976,

Recalling Resolution XXI and of UN World Food Conference on the creation of the World Food Council and its relations with the regional bodies,

Recalling further paragraph 4 (f) of Resolution XXII of the UN World Food Conference on the full co-operation which should exist between the World Food Council and the regional bodies to formulate and follow up policies approved by the Council and that these bodies be serviced by existing UN or FAO Bodies in the region concerned,

Pursuant to resolution CM/Res. 413 (XXIV) of the OAU Council of Ministers on the establishment of the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food,

Recalling that the Secretariat for the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food shall be jointly incumbent upon OAU, ECA, FAO and other International Organizations as appropriate, in conformity with Resolution CM/Res. 413(XXIV),

Considering the report of the OAU Working Party on the functions and operation of the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food,

Recognizing that the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food is the regional operational arm of the World Food Council and that its functions and mandate are in line with the World Food Council,

INVITES the ECOSOC during its forthcoming Summer Session,

  1. To request all the relevant UN Bodies and its specialized agencies working in the field of agriculture, food, nutrition, trade, finance and other related questions in Africa, particularly ECA, FAO, UNDP. WFP, WHO, UNICEF, UNDTAD and

IBRD to submit their relevant reports to the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food before their final submission to the World Food Council,

  1. To request all the relevant UN Bodies and its specialized agencies working in Africa to service and finance, under the auspices of the OAU, the meetings of the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food and the three Experts Committees, namely the food security and programmes, the economic and finance Committees;

  1. To request the relevant UN Bodies and its specialized agencies working in Africa to obtain the necessary mandate from their respective bodies to enable them to finance the projects, to undertake the studies and to make available their expertise as requested by the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food.

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