Resolution on Mozambique


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session, at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3 July 1976.

Recalling the relevant OAU resolutions Nos. 298 (XXI), 347 (XXIII) and 457 (XXVI) specifically calling on Member States to apply economic sanctions against Southern Rhodesia and give every assistance to the freedom fighters of Zimbabwe;

Recalling further the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 232 (1966), 258 (1968) calling on member countries of the United Nations to apply strictly economic, political and other sanctions against Southern Rhodesia, with a view to ending racism and rebellion in that territory;

Taking note of the decision of the Government of the People’s Republic of Mozambique to strictly apply the sanctions imposed against Southern Rhodesia in accordance with UN and OAU Resolutions regarding coercive measures against the Smith regime,

  1. EXPRESS satisfaction with the latest act of courage and sacrifice by the Government of Mozambique, on its decisive contribution to the liberation struggle in the territories of Southern Africa still under foreign dominations, in vies of the repeated aggression perpetrated by the Smith regime against the territory and the people of Mozambique.

  1. INVITE the Member States of the OAU and all progressive Governments and Organizations of the world to give practical help to the Government of the People’s Republic of Mozambique to enable it to face the dangerous threats to its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  1. REAFFIRMS its determination to do everything possible to provide aid and assistance to freedom fighters so as to intensify the armed national liberation struggle in Zimbabwe, in the face of the stubbornness of the illegal, colonialist and racist regime in Salisbury which continue to suppress the African majority with the complicity of the Vorster regime and, particularly, in the face of the latest massacres perpetrated by the two regimes against the peoples of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

  1. (a) DECIDES to give a grant of $20m from the Special Arab Fund to the People’s Republic of Mozambique to reinforce her capacity to apply sanctions and support the Liberation struggle of Zimbabwe.

  1. (b) REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to transmit immediately to the Secretary General of the League of Arab States the above decision.

  1. REQUEST the current Chairman and the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to see to the strict implementation of the present Resolution.

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