Resolution on the Activities of the Executive Secretariat at the UN


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The Council of Ministers meeting in its Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Session from 24 June to 3rd July 1976 at Port Louis, Mauritius,

Having taken note of the Administrative Secretary General’s report on the activities of the Executive Secretariat at the United Nation Organization as well as the report of African candidatures to International Organizations;

Convinced of the importance of the role played by representatives of OAU Member States at the United Nations organization in New York.

Recalling its resolutions CM/204, CM/223 (X), CM/273 (XIX), CM/352 (XXIII) and CM/430 (XXV),

Desirous of strengthening further the existing cooperation between the UN and OAU General Secretariats,

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the report of the Administrative Secretary General on the activities of the OAU Executive Secretariat;

  1. CONGRATULATES member of the African Group at the United Nations on the cohesion and dynamism they have shown in their activities and on the atmosphere of fruitful cooperation which characterizes their meetings;

  1. URGES the African Group to persevere in that direction and to be more vigilant so that Africa can win still greater victories;

  1. APPROVES the report on candidatures contained in document CM/734 (XXVII) Annex I Addendum I Rev. 1

  1. URGES cooperation between the United Nations and the OAU Secretariats to speed up the process of elimination of colonialism and apartheid from the Continent of Africa,

  1. ACKNOWLEDGES the support given by the various progressive organizations in America to the just struggle of the peoples of African for freedom and justice;

  1. APPRECIATE the regularity with which the Secretary-General has responded to the numerous invitations extended by the OAU to attend its Summit Conferences thereby demonstrating his genuine and constant interest in the work of the OAU;

  1. COMMEND him for the laudable efforts he constantly make in order to maintain world peace;

  1. URGES the African Group and the Executive Secretariat to promote and strengthen their positive action in the United Nations and the U.S.A.

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