Resolution on the African Candidatures in the International Institutes of the UN


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its 27th Ordinary Session in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24th June to 3rd July, 1976,

Recalling the General Assembly Resolutions 3201 (S.VI) and 3202 (S.VI) of the 1st May 1974 containing the declaration, and programme of action the establishment of a New International Economic Order, and Resolution 3281 (XXIX) ON THE Character of Economic Rights and Duties of States, which laid the foundation of the New International Economic Order;

Recalling further General Assembly Resolution 3343 by which it decided to request the Secretary-General to appoint immediately a group of high level experts to submit a study containing proposals on structural changes within the United Nations System so as to make it fully capable of dealing with problems of International Economic cooperation in a comprehensive manner;

Convinced that the United Nations Economic System should be restructured on an urgent basis to make it more effective in carrying out its responsibilities for global development and playing its central role in the implementation of the New International Economic Order;

Further convinced that the application of an integrated inter-disciplinary approach, conceptually and institutionally is an imperative for the restructuring of existing United Nations Economic and Social Sectors;

Recognizing the considerable importance which the African States attach to the question of restructuring the United Nations Economic and Social Sectors;

Noting with appreciation the report of the group of experts on restructuring contained in E/AC.62/9;

Bearing in mind the recommendation of the group of experts to establish a post of Director-General will considerably enhance the capabilities of the secretariat for an overall co- ordination policy planning and research by raising the level of leadership thereby permitting the question of development to receive the high-level full time and permanent attention it merits within the United Nations System;

  1. DECIDES to support the recommendation of the group of experts to establish the post of Director-General for development and international economic co-operation.

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity to convey the contents of this resolution to the United Nations Secretary-General and request him to take account of the desire of the African States to assume that role of leadership in the restructured Secretariat.

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