Resolution on Sanctions Against South Africa


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having heard the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the violation of sanctions against South Africa;

Nothing that the apartheid regime continues to adopt barbaric oppressive measures against the African population of South Africa as evidenced by the recent massacres in Soweto and other parts of South African which are reminiscent of those of Sharpville in March 1960;

Conscious of the increasingly greater threat of the racist regime of South Africa to International security in general and to peace in African in particular;

Convinced that South Africa’s isolation by the strict application of sanctions in all fields of activity would help to accelerate the elimination of apartheid in South African and would contribute considerably to the liberation of the South African people;

Concerned over the flagrant and repeated violation of sanctions against South Africa in defiance of the relevant UN, OAU Non-Aligned Countries’ resolutions;

Concerned in particular, about the frantic development of South Africa’s military and nuclear potential with the assistance of certain powers;

Determined to accelerate by all possible means the process of South Africa’s liberation;

  1. VIGOROUSLY CONDEMNS once again, the odious regime of apartheid which constitutes a grave insult to human dignity

  1. URGES member States of the OAU which have not yet done so to refrain from all relations with the reactionary and inhuman regime of apartheid;

  1. LAUNCHES an appeal to all countries of the world particularly the Western countries to exert pressure on the racist regime of South Africa by totally and completely isolating it through the strict application of sanctions;

  1. CALLS UPON Japan, Israel and Western Powers in particular USA, Federal Republic of Germany to stop immediately their policy of nuclear cooperation with the fascist regime of South Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the recent decision of the government of France to the effect that it provides nuclear reactors to the south African regime and requests the Government of France to reconsider its decision whose application would have serious consequences on the struggle against the abominable system of apartheid as well as peace and security in the region;


the anti-apartheid groups and movements in Europe, America and especially the African Committee against Colonialism and apartheid for their dynamic contribution to the struggle against apartheid and for their generous and valuable collaboration with the OAU General Secretariat;

  1. CALLS ON the Secretary-General to explore the possibility of organizing an international seminar to denounce cooperation with the racist regime of South Africa and inform African and World public opinion about this question and moreover the Seminar should sum up the actions undertaken by the anti-apartheid Committee and the Organization of African Trade Union Unity with a view to establishing a concrete and effective programme of action.

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