Resolution Requesting Amendments to be brought to the Charter of the UN


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Reiterating its support of the spirit of the U.N. Charter, and of the International Declaration of Human Rights;

Stressing the fact that the struggle of peoples under colonialist and racist regimes, have been obstructed by the exercise of the right of veto by certain Permanent Members of the Security Council;

Reaffirming the principles of the sovereign equality of States and universality enshrined in the U.N. Charter;

Considering that when the U.N. was established the majority of the present members were still under colonial domination and that the circumstances justifying the granting of the veto to certain powers have been overridden,

  1. AFFIRMS that the safeguarding of international peace and security are matters which require the participation of all Member States of the U.N. in conformity with the principle of the Universality of that organization and the principle of equality of all States;

  2. MAINTAINS that the misuse of the right of veto by some permanent members of the Security Council is contrary to, and a violation of the U.N. Charter and the

U.N. resolutions relevant tot the granting of independence to colonial peoples, and to the principle of the right to self-determination;

  1. CALLS UPON all the Member States of the U.N. to exert all efforts with a view to securing the suppression of the right of veto enjoyed by the Permanent Members of the Security Council in order to ensure that the will of the international community is not thwarted;

  2. REQUESTS all Member States of the OAU to work toward making amendments to the UN Charter in a bid to achieving the principle of equality among Member States of the UN through the outright suppression of the right of veto.

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