Resolution of the Vth Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having heard and discussed the proposals of the Libyan Arab Republic and Socialist Ethiopia concerning the forthcoming Fifth Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Countries;

Recognizing the importance of establishing permanent consultation among the OAU Member States in accordance with the spirit of resolution CM/Res. 264 (XVIII) and with a view to coordinating and harmonizing their views prior to international meetings;

Faithful to the OAU Charter and to the principle of non-alignment;

Conscious of the need for Member States to take appropriate measure in favour of national independence and the liberation of territories still under foreign and colonial domination;

Considering that non-alignment offers an adequate frame-work for the effective mobilization of the countries of the Third World and for the concrete affirmation of their solidarity in favour of Africa’s cause;

Considering further that Member States of the OAU have in the past played a significant role in the Non-Aligned Movement strengthening the unity and solidarity of the Non- Aligned Countries in their efforts to maintain international peace and security and giving stimulus to the struggle waged by peoples under colonial domination for self-determination and independence;

Convinced that the strengthening of Non-Aligned Movement will contribute directly to the efforts of the OAU.

  1. WELCOMES the consultations which have been established among OAU Member States with a view to defining a common stand on African problems and those of the Third World;

  1. BELIEVES that the Fifth Summit of the Non-Aligned Countries would constitute an important step in the consolidation of the movement by intensifying its action and its growing role in international relations, in particular, for the promotion of peace and security, the freedom and independence of countries still under colonial rule, the elimination of aggression and foreign occupation, the establishment of a new international economic order and the democratization of international relations;

  1. INVITES Member State to participate at the highest level at the Fifth Conference of Non-Aligned Countries to be held in Colombo in August 1976 in order to ensure its success.

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