Resolution on Refugees


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having examined the report submitted by the Administrative Secretary-General on the problems of refugees in Africa;

Having heard the reports of the representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;

Aware that the serious situation arising from the growing number of refugees places a heavy burden on the host countries which provide the refugees with asylum or relief;

Desirous of taking the necessary measures to improve living conditions and ensure humane treatment to refugees, and to help them lead a normal life, thereby putting an end to the refugee problem in general;

Realizing the need for adequate prior consultations between the UNHCR and the OAU in all matters pertaining to African refugee problems;

Recognizing that the grant of asylum is an international duty of concern to the international community and is reflected in Article II of the OAU convention covering the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa;

Recognizing further the need for an essentially humanitarian approach towards solving the problems of refugees;

Recalling that the principle on non-refoulement has been incorporated in international legal instruments, notably the OAU convention, and in national legislation of many Member States;

Nothing with gratitude the magnificent work performed by BPEAR in finding ways and means of alleviating the misery and suffering of refugees as well as providing them with a better life and future;

Nothing with interest, General Assembly Resolution 3456 (XXX) calling for a Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the elaboration of a Draft convention on Territorial Asylum to be convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in consultation with the High Commissioner, to be held from 10 January to 4 February 1977;

Having heard and approved by acclamation the report of the Tenth Ordinary Session of the OAU Commission of Ten on Refugees (CM/738 (XXVII),

  1. COMMENDS the work of BPEAR and urges them to redouble their efforts in the resettlement and placement of refugees;

  1. EARNESTLY requests the BPEAR and the Commission of TEN on Refugees to take a country-by-country census of refugees to determine the exact number of refugees and supply Member States with a list of Student refugees according to their fields of studies;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the UNCHR for the assistance they extend to refugees and expresses the hope that such assistance will continue;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to cooperate with the Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees by giving it all the assistance it requires;

  1. URGES OAU Member States to provide more facilities for the settlement of refugees in their territory by making it easier for them to obtain travelling document;

  1. INVITES OAU Member States to make provision for employment opportunities, scholarship and vocational training opportunities for African refugees;

  2. REQUESTS OAU Member States to give humanitarian consideration to the cases of refugees who may wish to continue availing themselves of their refugee status and enjoying asylum in their host countries, in accordance with the spirit of the relevant international instruments.

  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude to the States and institutions which give aid to the Bureau and participate actively in the search for a humanitarian solution to the problems of placement of African refugees;

  1. INVITES Member States of OAU which have not given asylum to any refugees, to alleviate the burden of the countries of first and second asylum of these refugees;

  1. APPEALS to all States to consider, where applicable, the declaration of a general amnesty to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of refugees to their respective countries or origin;

  1. DRAWS the attention of Member States of the OAU to the United Nations Conference of Plepotentiaries to be held from 10 January to 4 February 1977 on the elaboration of a Draft Convention on Territorial Asylum and urges them to participate actively in the Conference;

  1. REAUESTS Member States to check and supervise the work of the National Correspondents to ensure the regular submission of quarterly reports to the BPEAR on their activities for the benefit of African Refugees;

  1. CALLS for closer consultations between the UNCHR and the OAU in finding solutions to African refugee problems.

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