Resolution on Non-recognition of South African Bantustans


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Considering that the Pretoria regime is accelerating its policy of Bantustanisation, the cornerstone of apartheid designed to ensure the balkanization, tribal fragmentation and fratricidal conflict in South Africa to the benefit of white supremacy;

Reaffirming the OAU’s sacred commit ment to the principles of territorial and national integrity of all territories under foreign domination and fighting for liberation and self determination;

Recalling previous resolutions of the OAU the non-aligned movement and the United Nations against the Bantustan policy;

  1. REAFFIRMS the OAU’s condemnation and rejection of the Bantustan policy and urges all member states to refrain from establishing contact with the emissaries of the so called Bantu Homelands;

  1. URGES all States and commits member states of the OAU NOT TO ACCORD RECOGNITION TO ANY Bantustan, in particular , the Transkei whose so-called independence is scheduled for the 26th October, 1976;

  1. DECLARES that violation of this collective commitment by any member state will be seen as a betrayal of not only the fighting people of South Africa but the entire continent;

  1. COMMITS the OAU through the General Secretariat the African Group at the United Nations and African diplomatic representatives throughout the world to wage a concerted campaign to dissuade all United Nations member states from recognizing this fraudulent pseudo-independence.

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