Resolution on PANA (Pan-African News Agency)


Page 39


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

After examining the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the proposed establishment of a Pan-African News Agency;

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report;

  1. REAFFIRMS its support for the setting up of the Pan-African News Agency;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to convene a joint meeting of experts representing National News Agencies and the Executive Committee of UAIA to study all the questions relating to the setting up of PANA;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to convene a meeting to Ministers of Information of Member States to which be invited representatives of Financial Institutions to be entrusted with the task of studying the problems involved in the financing of the Pana;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to convene a meeting of the Ministers of Telecommunications to seek ways and means of ensuring telecommunication services needed for the running of a Pan-African News Agency;

  1. INVITES the Advisory Committee on Financial and Budgetary Matters to examine the financial implications for the convening and holding of these meetings;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to submit a report to the 28th Ordinary Session of the Council.

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