Resolution on the Comorian Island of Mayotte


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Nothing with satisfaction the admission of the Comoro Islands as a member State of the OAU on 18 July 1975;

Taking note of the Report of the Secretary-General on the Comorian Island of Mayotte;

Recalling that all the people of the Republic of Comoro in a referendum on 22 December 1974, expressed, by an overwhelming majority their will to accede to independence in political unity and territorial integrity;

Considering that the so-called referendum imposed on the inhabitants of the Comorian island of Mayotte constitute an aggression against all Comorians and a violation of their territorial integrity;

Considering that France’s occupation of the Comorian Island of Mayotte constitutes a flagrant aggression against the State of Comoro, a member of the OAU;

Considering that such an attitude adopted by France is a characteristic violation of the principles and relevant resolutions which confirm inter alia the inviolability of the borders inherited from the colonial administration;

Considering that the establishment of military bases in the Indian Ocean by France and all the others imperialist Western powers constitute a flagrant aggression against the independent States of Africa and Asia,

  1. CONDEMNS the so-called referenda of 8 February 1976 and 11 April 1976 which it considers null and void, and rejects in advance:

    1. any other form of referendum or consultation which may be organized subsequently in the Comorian territory of Mayotte by France;

    1. any Act or Law adopted by a French legislative body or Government to legalize any form of French presence in the Comorian territory of Mayotte.

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS France’s presence in Mayotte which constitutes an aggression against the national unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the independent Republic of Comoro and is prejudicial to the independence and security of the whole of Africa;

  1. DEMANDS that the French Government should withdraw immediately from the Comorian Island of Mayotte which is an integral part of the Independent Republic of Comoro and that it should respect the sovereignty of the new state;

  1. CALLS ON the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the Secretary-General of the OAU and the African Group at the United Nations to do everything possible to include the question of Comoro in the Agenda of the forthcoming Session of the United Nations S General Assembly;

  1. CALLS ON the Chairman of the 27th Session of the Council of Ministers and the Secretary-General of the OAU to request the inclusion of the question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte in the agenda of the Conference of Non-Aligned countries in Colombo;

  1. REQUESTS the Chairman of the Council, in co-operation with the OAU Secretary- General to set up, during the Session, a Seven-member* ad hoc Committee including Comoro, to study and formulate, under the auspices of the Secretary-General, all strategies and measures capable of promoting a rapid solution to the problem of the Comorian Island of Mayotte;*

  1. DECIDES to grant the sum of US$ 10 million dollars through the special Arab Fund for Africa to the Republic of Comoro to enable the latter to meet her serious problems;

  1. CALLS ON all OAU Member States to give effective individual and collective aid to and co-operate in all areas with, the Republic of Comoro to enable it defend and safeguard its independence, territorial integrity and national sovereignty;

  1. REQUESTS the Chairman of the Council of Minister and the Secretary-General of the OAU to follow closely the development of events in the Comoro Islands with a view to taking the appropriate steps;

  1. REQUESTS that the issue of the Comoro Island of Mayotte remains a permanent subject on the agenda of the meetings and conferences of the Council of Ministers of the OAU and of the Co-ordinating Committee for the African Liberation as long as France illegally continues to occupy the Comoro Islands of Mayotte;

  1. DEMANDS also whether the member states would like to include the question of Comoro Island of Mayotte to the agenda of all the forthcoming meetings of Non- Aligned countries, the General Assembly of United Nations and General Conferences of all institutions and United Nations Organizations and that they would support the resolutions condemning the illegal occupation by France of the Comoro Island of Mayotte.

*7 Members of Ad Hoc Committee on Comoro

    1. Algeria 4. Gabon

    2. Cameroon 5. Madagascar

    3. Comoro 6. Mozambique

7. Senegal

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