Resolution on Mercenaries


Page 44


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Recalling the Cardinal Principles of the Charter of the OAU;

Considering the OAU Member States determination to safeguard their sovereignty, national independence and territorial integrity;

Recognizing that the enemies of Africa are determined to obstruct Africa’s relentless struggle against colonialism, racism and apartheid and their intention to use mercenaries to obstruct the aspirations of the African people towards independence and self-determination;

Congratulating the Government of Angola for presenting a Draft Convention on the menace of mercenaries in Africa;


  1. - that the Convention on Mercenaries submitted by Angola should be sent to member States for their study and comments;

  1. - that the OAU member states should send to the OAU Administrative Secretary- General their comments within three months;

3 - that the OAU Administrative Secretary-General should convene a meeting of African Legal Experts composed of representatives from Member States to consider the comments and prepare a final Draft Convention on Mercenaries;

REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to submit the said convention to the Council of Ministers in its February 1977 Ordinary Session.

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