Resolution on Namibia


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having examined the Report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa especially the relevant paragraphs on Namibia;

Recalling General Assembly Resolution 2145 (XVI) of 27 October 1966, which terminated South Africa’s mandate over the Ter ritory of Namibia, and Resolution 2248(5-V) of 19 May 1967, which established a United Nations Council for Namibia;

Recalling all Security Council, General Assembly and OAU Resolutions on Namibia;

Recalling the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice 21 June 1971 that South Africa is under obligation to withdraw its presence from the Territory;

Concerned about South Africa’s continued illegal occupation of Namibia and its persistent refusal to comply with resolutions and decisions of the United Nations, Non-Aligned Countries and Organization of African Unity;

Gravely concerned about South Africa’s brutal repression of the Namibian people and its persistent violations of their human rights, as well as its efforts to destroy the national unity and territorial integrity of Namibia, and its aggressive military build-up in the area;

Strongly deploring the militarization of Namibia by illegal occupation of the regime of South Africa.

  1. REAFFIRMS the right people of Namibia to self determination and independence;

  1. APPROVES the Declaration and Programme of action of the Conference held in Dakar; Senegal from 4 to 8 January 1976 on Namibia and Human Rights;

  1. CONDEMNS the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by South African and the arbitrary application of racially discriminatory and repressive laws and practices in the territory;

  1. CONDEMNS the balkanization of Namibia and demands that South Africa put an end forthwith to its policy of banutstans and so-called homelands aimed at violating the national unity and the territorial integrity of the Territory;

  1. CONDEMNS the South African military build-up in Namibia and its utilization of the Territory as a base for attacks on neighbouring countries and considers the use of Namibia for extra territorial incursions into neighbouring countries is a flagrant violation of international law and constitutes a serious threat to peace and security of the African Continent;

  1. CONDEMNS the so called Constitution Talks in Windhoek aimed at rubber- stamping to obnoxious policy of bantustans and so-called homelands;

  1. CONDEMNS South Africa illegal administration’s recent brutal sentences of two SWAPO officials to death and demands the unconditional release of all political prisoners and detainees currently held on Robben Island and other South African jails;

  1. REAFFIRMS once again SWAPO is the only authentic representative of the people of Namibia;

  1. DEMANDS that South Africa withdraws its illegal administration in Namibia and transfer power to the people of Namibia under the leadership of SWAPO;

  1. FIRMLY RESOLVES to increase material and financial assistance to SWAPO in order to intensify the armed struggle and maintain its vigilance;

  2. CALLS on the General Assembly and the Security Council to remain seized of the matter.

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