Resolution on the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations

CM/RES 501

(XXVII) Page 50


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Recalling Resolution CM/Res.310 (XXI) and Resolution CM/Res.442 (XXV) of the council of Ministers of the OAU on Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations;

Having considered the Report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations, 9document 772 (XXVII);

  1. ENDORSES the establishment of the Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations;

  1. ADOPTS the Constitution of the Association;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States who have not signed the Constitution of who have not deposited their instruments of ratification to do so as soon as possible;

  1. APPEALS to member States to pay at their earliest their contributions to the biennial budget of the Association (1975/1976) as well as to its forthcoming budgets;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to submit a report thereon to the 28th Ordinary Session of the Council of Minister, and to the 14th Session of the Assembly of head of State and Government.

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