Resolution on Development of Regional Satellite Communication


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having considered the report of the Administrative Secretary-General Document No.

CM/751 (XXVII);

Taking note of the efforts of the PANAFTEL Co-ordinating Committee (AOU, ITU, ADB, ECA) which led to the Organization of the Second Conference of Africa Telecommunication Administration held at Kinshasa from 3 to 16 December 1975;

Taking further note of the report of the report of the Co-ordinating Committee of PANAFTEL which met in Geneva from 12 to 13 May 1976 especially, point No. 7 dealing with Satellite Communications as presented in Document CM/751 (XXVII) Annex I;

Recognizing the potential of a Regional Satellite Communication System for providing flexible and viable communication links to remote and sparsely distributed communities;

  1. EXPRESS its appreciation to the PANAFTEL Co-ordinating committee of the good work it has done in the area of telecommunications for Africa;

  1. ENDORSES Resolution No. 16 of the Conference of African Telecommunication Administrations (Kinshasa, 3 16 December 1975) which requests the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU, the Secretary-General of ITU, the Executive Secretary of ECA and the President of the African Development Bank to co-operate as members of the Co-ordinating Committee and in collaboration with the Secretary-General of URTNA to arrange as soon as possible for a feasibility study on an African satellite Communication system for common carrier communication and educational broadcasting.

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