Resolution on the Location of the Proposed UN Institution on Human Settlement


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The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Recalling OAU resolution CM/Res. 467 (XXVI), in particular operative paragraph 5 of that resolution, which expressed the desire of the OAU to see the proposed institution in Human Settlement located in an African country,

Taking note of the Administrative Secretary-General’s report contained in document CM/760 (XXVII), and the remarks made on the question of human settlement by the Administrative Secretary-General in his oral report to the 27th Session of the Council of Ministers on June 24, 1976,

Taking note also of the fact that the African Group at the UN conference on Human Settlement, held in Vancouver Canada, in June 1976, was unable to adopt a common position on the matter, inspite of OAU CM/Res. 467 (XXVI), and that the Group therefore recommended that the question of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government, and that the UN Conference on Human Settlement itself decided to refer the question of the location of the proposed institution to the 32nd Session of the UN General Assembly (Sept – Dec. 1976)’

Appreciating the interrelationship and interdependence between man-made and natural environment as adopted in the Stokholm Declaration,

  1. REITERATES the desire of the Organization of African Unity to see the proposed institution on Human Settlement located in an African Country;

  1. RECOGNIZES that the decision on a definite site can only be made after the budgetary implications of the proposed institution and the general issue of location have been considered and decided upon;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to initiate immediately consultations with those OAU Member States which have declared their interest in hosting the proposed institution, with a view to reaching agreement as to which of them is to provide the site for the proposed institution; and to advise the African Group at the UN appropriately, to enable the Group take this into account during the General Assembly’s discussion of this question at its 32nd Session.

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