Resolution on the Law of the Sea


Page 82


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Seventh Ordinary Session at Port Louis, Mauritius, from 24 June to 3rd July, 1976.

Having taken note of the progress report of the Administrative Secretary-General;

Having taken note of the divergencies of point of view between African Coastal States on the one hand and landlocked and geographically disadvantaged African States on the other on the subject of the controversial question of sharing the non-living resources in the exclusive economic zone;

Considering the necessity of further working towards the harmonization of the African position in the negotiations during the Third United Nations conference on the Law of the Sea.

  1. RECOMMENDS to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government to make a precise decision to solve the problem raised within the African Group as contained in the report of committee B;

  1. EARNESTLY REQUESTS the African counties to present a united front at the forthcoming session and to support effectively all the decisions adopted by our Organization so as to get them accepted by the conference;

  1. EXPRESS its appreciation of the work of the OAU General Secretariat during the various sessions and particularly the Fourth Session of the conference;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to dispatch a team from the General Secretariat to adequately follow up the preceding of the Fifth Session to be held in New York from 2nd August to 17th September 1976 and to provide the necessary means for the effective follow up.

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