Resolution on OAU Structural Reform

CM/Res. 531 (XXVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity, meeting in its Twenty - Eight Ordinary Session in Lome, Togo, from 21 to 28 February 1977.

Having examined the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on OAU Structural Reform,

Noting that member States of OAU have been duly notified of the proposed amendments to the Charter as contained in Document CM/770 (XXVII) during the Twenty-Seventh Ordinary Session of the Council of Minister in accordance with Article 33 of the Charter,

  1. DECIDES to adopt the recommendations of the Report on the raising of the salaries of Statutory and Non-Statutory staff members of the OAU General Secretariat and on the improvement of the conditions of service of Non-Statutory members (Document CM770(XXVII) Part 3 Chapter 18) and the relevant parts of Document CM.770

(XXVII) Rev. 1 Annex1;

  1. REFERS the examination of the dossier on Structural Reform Staff Rules and Regulations and Financial Rules to the next Session of the Council of Ministers.

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