Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res. 537 (XXVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity, meeting in its Twenty - Eight Ordinary Session in Lome, Togo, from 21 to 28 February 1977.

Having considered the Report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa especially the relevant paragraphs on Namibia,

Recalling the relevant Resolutions of the United Nations and the OAU on Namibia,

Concerned about the imposition of a so-called self-government on the people of Namibia against their wishes,

Concerned about the establishment of a South African military base in the territory of Namibia and the training of UNITA and FNLA rebels in the said territory,

  1. REAFFIRMS OAU support for SWAPO as the sole authentic representative of the people of Namibia,

  1. DENOUNCES and CONDEMNS South Africa’s intention to impose a self - government on the Namibian people against their wishes, and CALLS ON the Pretoria Regime to negotiate the Namibian independence with SWAPO, the authentic representative of the people of the territory on the basis of the conditions SWAPO has laid down (see page 18 Document CM790 (XXVIII));

  1. CALLS ON Member States of the OAU to deny recognition to any government installed in Namibia either through the Turnhale Tribal Conference or through any other means which are not in conformity with the relevant Resolution of the United Nations and the OAU.

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Member States not to grant permission for visit s to their respective countries by the participants in the Turnhale tribal talks or any Namibian in the South African service of propagating, in favour of the forthcoming self - government to be imposed on Namibia as any such permission would be interpreted as recognition of these tribal talks and subsequently their so-called self-government;

  1. CONDEMNS South African for giving military training to the UNITA-FNLA rebels in Namibia in order to send them to murder innocent people in the People’s Republic of Angola, a Member State of the OAU, as well as in Namibia.

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