Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res. 538 (XXVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity, meeting in its Twenty -Eight Ordinary Session in Lome, Togo, from 21 to 28 February 1977.

Recalling its resolution committing Member States not to recognize the so -called independent Bantustans,

Hailing the general uprising of the people of South Africa against the Apartheid regime,

Outraged by the current wave of terror, wanton assassination of political d etainees and other atrocities perpetrated against the opponents of the Vorster regime,

Gravely concerned about the aggressive designs of the Pretoria regime and, in particular, the so-called Defense Act which arrogates to South Africa the right to perpet rate aggression against the entire African continent,

Outraged by the nuclear collaboration involving the United States, West Germany, France and Israel towards enabling South Africa to produce atomic weapons,

Further noting with grave concern that some governments spear-headed by the United States in pursuing their so-called strategic, economic and other interests designed to further their imperialistic ends continue to collaborate with the Pretoria regime and thereby aid and ebet it to pursue its criminal activities,

Convinces that the situation in South Africa constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security,

  1. PROCLAIMS that the racist regime of south Africa is illegitimate and has no right to represent the people of South Africa;

  1. REAFFIRMS the legitimacy of the armed struggle for the over-throw of the Apartheid regime and for the seizure of power by the people of South Africa or the establishment of a democratic State that will secure to the people of this country their inalienable right to self-determination without distinction of colour, race, creed or sex;

  1. DECLARES that the wanton assassinating of detainees in the prison cells and torture chambers is a cowardly and criminal act of terrorism by the Pretoria regime and calls for world-wide condemnation;

  1. WELCOMES the decision of the United Nations General Assembly calling for an urgent meeting of the Security Council; and CALLS UPON the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and France to demonstrate their proclaimed opposition to Apartheid by adopting a positive attitude to enable the Security Council to take effective action under Chapter 7 of the United Nations Charter;

  1. CALLS ON all States still engaged in strategic, economic, military and other forms of collaboration with the settler and racist regime to cease forthwith any such collaboration with that regime;

  1. CALLS ON OAU Member States to step up their diplomatic, economic, political and military isolation of Israel and to support the just cause of the Palesti nian people;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States of the League of Arab States also to adopt the liberation struggle in Southern Africa as their struggle and grant observer status, financial and material assistance to the Liberation Movements recognized by the OAU, thus laying concrete and lasting basis for a genuine Afro-Arab co-operation;

  1. CALLS ON OAU Member States and all justice-loving nations the world-over, to step-up their diplomatic political, moral, material and financial assistance to the Libations Movements recognized by the OAU,

  1. COMMITS Member States not to accord recognition to the Bantustan of Bophuthatswana whose so-called independence is scheduled for 5 December 1977.

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