CM/Res. 541 (XXVIII)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity, meeting in its Twenty - Eight Ordinary Session in Lome, Togo, from 21 to 28 February 1977.
Recalling its Resolution CM/Res. 443 (XXV), CM/Res. 468 (XXVI) and CM/Res. 504
(XXVII) on the Second All-African Trade Fair,
Having examined the Report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the results of the Second All-Africa Trade Fair,
Convinced that the Second All-African Trade Fair offered a unique opportunity for the expansion and promotion of intra-African Trade and the exchange and dissemination of information,
Further convinced that the success of the All-Africa Trade Fair was due to the efforts and enormous work accomplished by the Government of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Algeria,
EXPRESSES satisfaction at the results of the Second All-Africa Trade Fair and the work done by the OAU, the Committee of Ten and the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to ensure its success;
CONGRATULATES the Government of the Popular and Democratic Republic of Algeria on the steps it had taken to make the All-Africa Trade Fair a resounding success which reflected the African solidarity;
CONGRATULES FURTHER the Member States which participated in the Second All-Africa Trade Fair on their contribution to its success;
CALLS ON all Member States to participate fully in the Third All-Africa Trade Fair.