Resolution on the Third Conference of African Ministers of Industry

CM/Res. 543 (XXVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity, meeting in its Twenty - Eight Ordinary Session in Lome, Togo, from 21 to 28 February 1977.

Having received and considered the Report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the Third Conference of African Ministers of Industry (Document CM/794 (XXVIII)),

Mindful of the importance of promoting industrialization in Africa and the need for industrial co-operation among African countries,

Taking note of the efforts undertaken by OAU, ECA and UNIDO, so as to transform into action the programmes and priority projects for the acceleration and pursuit of the process of industrialization in Africa,

  1. REQUESTS all Member States of the Organization to take appropriate measures to implement the decisions taken as contained in Part II of the said Report;

  1. URGES all Member States of the Organization of African Unity to take immediate action at the national level, with a view to releasing Africa’s objective, i.e., the production target of 2% of world industrial production, by the turn of the century;

  1. EMPHASIZES the need for the governments to establish and strengthen the machinery for project formulation, planning and implementation and, to institute the necessary procedures for the review and appraisal of industrial activities in their respective countries;

  1. NOTES with appreciation the steps already taken by the Administrative Secretary- General of the OAU, the Executive Secretary of ECA and the Executive Director of UNIDO towards the establishment of:

    1. a Centre for consultative engineering

    2. a Centre for iron and steel industry

    3. a Centre for the petrochemical industry

    4. a Centre for the design adaptation and transfer of industrial technology

    5. a Centre for solar energy testing and development

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to provide a sum of US$ 100,000.00 in the 1978/79 budget as a token contribution towards the establishment of these Centres;

  1. EXPRESSES its warm appreciation for the catalystic role of the Committee and EXPRESSES it gratitude for its efforts and the successful role it is playing in the monitoring and promoting industrial development in African countries;

  1. REQUESTS the Assembly of Heads of State and Government to give its full political support to the recommendations of the Third Con ference of Ministers of Industry;

  1. REQUESTS all Member States to participate fully and effectively in the Fourth Conference of African Ministers of Industries scheduled to take place in Lagos this year, with a view to realizing the operative paragraphs of the foregoing provisions.

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