Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res. 551(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty - Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Having re-examined the grave political and military situation in Namibia resulting from the continued illegal South African Administration of the territory,

Recalling the pertinent numerous resolutions of both the UN and the OAU and the other International Organizations on Namibia,

Reaffirming Africa’s unequivocal support for the just armed liberation struggle waged by the Namibian people under the leadership of SWAPO for their freedom and national independence,

Further reaffirming that SWAPO is the sole and authentic representative of the Namibian People,

Commending SWAPO for its political mobilization of the Namibian People, and the intensification of the armed struggle against the South African armed force of occupation in Namibia,

  1. DECIDES to increase diplomatic, material and financial assistance to SWAPO to enable it to further intensify the armed struggle for the early Liberation of Namibia from the illegal South African colonial occupation;

  1. RECOMMENDS the convocation of a Special Session of the UN General Assembly as soon as possible to discuss the explosive situation in Namibia which constitutes a threat to peace and security on the African Continent as a result of South Africa’s continued illegal occupation of Namibia in violation of the international status of the territory and in this regar d it invites the OAU Secretary General to study together with the competent authorities the possibilities of convening this Session;

  1. REAFFIRMS in accordance with earliest decisions of the United Nations, the Non - Aligned Movements and the United Nations that the only legal authority over the territory of Namibia is the United Nations Council for Namibia and denounces vehemently any possible attempt to establish any other authority which is not constituted by the United Nations Council for Namibia;

  1. REAFFIRMS that any agreement negotiated to lead Namibia to genuine independence must be based on the following pre-conditions:

    1. Withdrawal of all the military and paramilitary forces of South African from Namibia to allow for the creation of a normal political at mosphere;

    1. Unconditional release of all political prisoners, and the return to the territory of all Namibian in exile;

    1. That any interim authority to be formed in the territory before the attainment of its full independence be of the UN Council for Namibia ;

    1. Accession of the territory to independence in its present limits including Walvis Bay.

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