Resolution on Sanctions

CM/Res. 553(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Gravely concerned over the explosive situation in South Africa.

Noting with indignation the unababted massacres of and barbaric repression against the black people perpetrated by the apartheid regime since the Soweto massacre of 16 June, 1976,

Recognizing that the apartheid regime is further intensifying racist domination and exploitation and has shown no willingness to seek a solution based on the principles of freedom, equality and self-determination,

Strongly denouncing the declaration of the sham independence of the Bantustan of Transkei on 26 October, 1976 and the plans for creation of other Bantustan in Bophuhatswana in December 1977,

Recognizing that the policies and actions of the apartheid regime in South Africa constitute a grave thread to the peace and security of the whole region,

Congratulating the black people of South Africa and their national liberation movements, as well as other opponents of apartheid, for their heroic resistance against the inhuman system,

Reaffirming the firm commitment of the Organization of African Unity for the liberation of South Africa and the abolition of discrimination against all people of African descent,

Considering that African and international action must be greatly expanded at this crucial period of the struggle for the liberation of South Africa,

Noting with satisfaction the growth of international opposition to apartheid and support for the liberation struggle since the Soweto massacre,

Considering that the Organization of African Unity should further intensify co-operation with the United Nations, especially the Special Committee against Apartheid, the Committee of 24 Decolonization and develop close contacts with trade unions, religious bodies, anti-apartheid movements, and all other international organizations in order to promote international action against apartheid:

  1. STONGLY SUPPORTS the resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, at its Thirty-First Session in 1976, on the problem of Apartheid in South Africa, particularly the “Programme of Action against Apartheid” and appeals to all States and Organizations to implement it.

  1. COMMENDS the UN General Assembly for its unanimous and total rejection of the Transkei and other Bantustans at its Thirty-First Session;

  1. CALLS on Member States to further mobilize all their peoples through education, public demonstrations and other activities in support of action against apartheid;

  1. AFFIRMS the urgent need for the total isolation of the apartheid regime – with utmost priority for the ceasation of all military and nuclear co-operation with that regime, as well as bank loans to, and investments in South Africa and requests the African Group at the United Nations to press for the adoption of mandatory decisions by the Security Council to that end;

  1. DECIDES to appoint a delegation of Seven*1 members of the Council of Minister to undertake a mission to all major oil exporting countries to consult with them on the implementation of an effective embargo on the supply of petroleum and petroleum products to South Africa and Southern Rhodesia in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations and the OAU;

1 *These members are: Sierra-Leone, Ghana, Zambia, Libya, Gabon, Nigeria and Algeria

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations, in co-operation with the special Committee against Apartheid, to review the activities of transactional corporations collaborating with the South African regime, particularly those enabling that regime in its military build-up and nuclear development, and recommend separate and collective measures which the African and other friendly counties may take in order to oblige such corporations to desist from such criminal collaboration with the apartheid regime,

  1. CONGRATULATES the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) for mobilizing the International Confederation of Free Trade Union (ICFTU) the World Federation of Free Trade Union (WFFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) in launching a common programme of a week of solidarity with the workers and struggling people of South Africa;

  1. ENCOURAGES future action of this type in conformity with the Declaration and programme of Action adopted by the World Trade Union Conference against apartheid at its Conference in Geneva from 10 to 11 June 1977;

  1. ENCOURAGES the Special Committee against Apartheid in all its initiatives to promote solidarity by trade unions, religious bodies, students and youth, and others with the liberation struggle in South Africa;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General to lend all possible co-operation to the Special Committee against Apartheid, and to all organizations active in the international campaign against apartheid in their activities.

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