Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res. 554(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organizati on of African Unity meeting in its Twenty - Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Having heard the Representatives of the South African National Council (ANC), the Pan-African Congress of Azania (PAC) and the Chairman of the Special Committee Against Apartheid,

Conscious of the fact that the increased militancy of the oppressed students, youths and workers is the reflection of the revolutionary situation prevailing throughout South Africa,

Convinced that the struggle for national liberation has entered a decisive and irreversible phase in South Africa,

Considering that Apartheid, offspring of colonial domination is to be used as a weapon by the minority white settlers to perpetuate the colonial status -quo and continue to oppress the black people, expropriate their lands, confiscate their natural resources and national wealth,

Recalling the relevant Resolutions for the OAU, the Non -Aligned Countries and the U.N. which condemn apartheid as a crime against humanity a nd which call upon the U.N. Member States to break off their diplomatic, economic, cultural and military relations with the Pretoria regime;

Recalling in particular the Resolution of the Thirty -first Session of the U.N. General Assembly which , very emphatically declared the South African regime illegal, reaffirmed the legitimacy of the struggle in all its forms for the recovery of power for the people,

Having recommended to the Security Council to apply compulsory economic sanctions and an arms embargo in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charters,

Considering condemnation by the liberation movements of the main trading partners of the Pretoria regime, whose collaboration with Pretoria in the economic and military f ields consolidate this regime’s system of exploitation and strengthens its capacity for repression and aggression,

Considering that the nuclear co-operation developing between South Africa on the one hand the United States of America, France, the Federal Republic of Germany and Israel on the other constitutes a clear manifestation of the hostility of these countries to the cause of the African Liberation and deliberately aims at helping the Pretoria regime to manufacture atomic weapons to intimidate Africa and the international community,

Reaffirming African readiness to achieve a genuine negotiated solution but concerned that the Anglo-American plan for a so-called peaceful settlement in Zimbabwe and Namibia only aims at establishing puppet regimes in these territories and transforming them into buffer zones against the liberation struggle in South Africa,

Convinced that the true Liberation of Zimbabwe and Namibia is closely linked with the overthrow of the Pretoria regime, which no doubt constitutes the bastion of white domination in the region,

Convinced that the present Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa forms part of the process of the total emancipation of the African continent and the preservation of world peace,

  1. REAFFIRMS that the Apartheid regime is illegitimate and represents a grave threat to world peace and security;

  1. REAFFIRMS the legitimacy of the armed struggle aimed at transferring power to the people of South Africa;

  2. HAILS the heroic struggle of the South African people mobilised by the national liberation movements against institutionalized terrorism, legalized violation of human rights, and the continued massacres of the defenseless civilian population, and on this occasion, most energetionally CONDEMNS the heinous repression of which students and children in South Africa are still victims;

  1. DECLARES the Pretoria regime enemy of humanity and RECOMMENDS that all Member States intensify their actions to further isolate South Africa on the international plane;

  1. CALLS ON all peace-justice and freedom-loving nations to increase their moral support financial and material aid to the national liberation movements of South Africa;

  1. REJECTS as unacceptable any interim government of machinery set -up within the framework of the so-called Anglo American peace settlement without the co - operation of the true representatives of Zimbabwe and Namibia;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS all states which collaborate with South Africa in the political, diplomatic, military and economic fields in glaring violation of the relevant

U.N. Resolutions and, particularly, the United States of America, France, Great Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Israel, Belgium and Italy;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the United States of America, France, the Fede ral Republic of Germany and Israel for their collaborations with the Pretoria regime in the nuclear fields;

  1. MANDATES to the African Group at the United Nations in New York to take joint action for the resumption of the Security Council’s debate in South A frica, in accordance with the decision of the Thirty-first Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, particularly as the said decision calls on the Council to apply sanctions and arms embargo, in accordance with the provision of Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter;

  2. REQUESTS the United States of America, France and Great Britain to put an end to their connivance with the Apartheid regime and desist from imposing their vetoes to protect South Africa and to thwart the efforts of the Council to compel this regime to respect its resolutions;

  1. STONGLY CONDEMNS the continued imprisonment of hundreds of students and workers, the murder of political prisoners and persecution of leaders such and Winnie Nomzano MANDELA, and Zeph MOTHUPENG;

  1. DEMANDS the immediate and unconditional release of all nationalist leaders serving terms of life imprisonment or long sentences who have been jailed since 1963 and pays tribute to their heroic sacrifices;

  1. REFFIRMS its total and unconditional rejection of Bantusta ns and MANDATES to the African Group at the United Nations in New York to campaign against the recognition of another Bantustan namely, BOPHUHATSWANA whose so -called independence is scheduled for December 6, 1977.

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