Resolution on Panaftel

CM/Res. 567(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Having noted the Fourth Report of the PANAFTEL Co-ordinating Committee contained in Document CM/824 (XXIX) and the statements made by the Representatives of the Secretariats of OAU and ITU,

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation and satisfaction at the work of the Members of the Co- ordinating Committee in their joint efforts and through their individual Organizations towards the early implementation of the PANAFTER Network;

  1. INVITES the Co-ordinating Committee to continue its efforts to assist in the search for financial resources and in the solving of related problems such as those concerned with the operation, maintenance and staffing of the PANAFTEL Network;

  1. URGES OAU Member States to bring the Fourth Report of the Co-ordinating Committee to the urgent attention of their respective Telecommunication Authorities so that the required follow-up action may be taken;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General, in consulting with the Heads of the ECA, ADB and ITU to invite:

    1. Financing Institutes such as ADB, IBRD, ABEDA and other appropriate bodies especially those established under Afro-Arab Co-operation etc. to finance preliminary and pre-investment studies need for the next phase of the realization of PANAFTEL network;

    1. The above financing Institutions to give kind attention to the problem of financing the other sections of the first phase of the PANAFTEL Network: which has so far been difficult to obtain;

    1. The financing Institutions mentioned above and other sources of multilateral and bilateral assistance to give due attention to the question of inserting within their programme of technical co-operation and assistance to PANAFTEL projects;

  1. FURTHER CALLS ON the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to submit a report on the implementation of the present resolution to the Thirtieth Ordinary Session of the council of Ministers.

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