Resolution on the Establishment of a Civil Aviation Training Centre in Africa

CM/Res. 568(XXIX)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977

Having considered the Report on the establishment on National Multinational Aviation Training Centres in Africa as presented in document CM/829,

Taking note with satisfaction of the efforts being made by the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAC), to create and operate in Africa appropriate and efficient training institutions in civil Aviation at the national and multinational levels,

Noting recommendation S4 – 3 of the AFCAC Fourth Plenary (Extraordinary) Session by which the commission decided to create two multinational pilot training centres and adopted the “General Plan” for Civil Aviation Training in Africa,

Noting also recommendation S5 27 of the Fifth AFCAC Plenary Session by which the Commission invited the OAU to take appropriate measures to ensure the necessary supplementary financing of the establishment of civil aviation training centres,

Recognizing that the principle of establishment multinational pilot training centres is within the concept of organizing in common the training of staff and research activities as defined in the declaration on co-operation, development and economic independence of Africa, adopted at the Tenth OAU Conference of Heads of State and Government, Addis Ababa, May 1973,

Aware of the contribution which can be made towards the integration of technological and socio-economical systems in Africa through the national and multinational projects,

Conscious of the limited and inadequate financial resources of Member States for establishing a network of training centres intended to meet their needs in the field of civil aviation,

Recognizing the need to support fully the realization of training projects in the field of civil aviation, especially those related to the training of pilots,

Noting with satisfaction the measures already taken by several States, demonstrating thereby a positive contribution to the success of these projects,

Bearing in mind the spirit of develoment and economic independence of Africa,

  1. URGENTLY INVITES Member States to:

    1. Take into consideration the importance of the existing training centres for pilots in Africa and support their expansion and full utilization to the benefit of interested African countries;

    1. Support and participate in training programmes for pilots at the multinational training centres whose establishment was decided upon by AFCAC;

    1. Establish individually or collectively at the opportune time training projects in the field of civil aviation.

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to:

    1. Assist AFCAC as necessary in taking all useful measures which in the order or priority, are of relevance to the implementation of AFCAC recommendations mentioned above on the establishment in Africa of training institutions in the field of civil aviation;

    2. Set up an OAU/AFCAC Co-ordination Committee in which will participate the UNDP and the ICAO, and which will complete its work by the end of December 1977 at the latest, so that OAU and AFCAC could convene in this period a Conference of Donors, which will seek to ensure that additional financing is obtained for carrying out the projects of the training of civil aviation personnel.


    1. UNDP and ICAO to continue the effort they are currently exerting to the interest of potential donor States in the view to ensuring the success of this Conference;

    1. UNDP to render assistance in the preparatory stage for and during the donors Conference;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to report to the Council during its Thirty-First Ordinary Session, on the implementation of the dispositions of this resolution.

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