Resolution on the Financial Problems of the Ad Hoc Committee on Drought and other Natural Calamities

CM/Res. 572(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

After taking note of the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the 5 th

Session of the OAU Ad-Hoc Committee on Drought and other Natural Calamities in Africa,

Considering the grave material situation affecting numerous States of the Organization owing to natural calamities,

Considering the increasing number of request for assistance, submitted by the Member


Considering the importance of the financial needs required for helping the drought stricken States,

Considering the rather poor state of payment of obligatory contributions to the Emergency Relief Fund, for which the account No.616 has been opened at the Addis Ababa Commercial Bank,

Taking into consideration also of the fact that drought due to desertification, among other reasons, is almost a permanent state of affairs in many Sahelian States members of our Organization, and bearing in mind the importance of the funds required for a fruitful struggle against this situation,

  1. REITERATES its appeal to all Member States to pay their contributions as soon as possible;

  1. APPEALS to all United Nations specialized agencies and all other international governmental and non-governmental organisations, voluntary organisations etc. so that they increase their aid to affected States;

  1. REQUESTS the Advisory Committee on budgetary and Financial Matters to release the necessary funds to ensure the smooth running of the newly established section on drought and natural disasters;

  1. REQUESTS that the Ad Hoc Committee on drought and natural disasters in African be composed of the following States in accordance with resolution CM/Res. 540

(XXVIII) adopted by the Council of Ministers Meeting in Lome, Togo, from 21 28 February 1977:

North Africa : Algeria, Morocco, Sudan

West Africa : Senegal, Upper Volta, Ghana

Central Africa : Chad, Rwanda, Zaire

East Africa : Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya

Southern Africa : Madagascar, Botswana, Mozambique

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