Resolution on the Administrative Secretary General’s Afro-Arab Co-operation Activities

CM/Res. 576(XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Having noted the Administrative Secretary-General’s report on the efforts of the Secretary-General of the OAU in Afro-Arab Co-operation;

Recalling Resolutions AHG/AL-OAU/(I), CM/AL-OAU/Dec. 1 (ii), CM/AL-OAU (ii), and AHG/AL-OAU/, Doc. III/Rev. 2 adopted at the Second joint Ministerial Conference and at the First Afro-Arab Summit held in Cairo, from the 3 rd to 6th and 7th to 9rh March, 1977, respectively;

Convinced of the important role of the executive organs of the Afro-Arab Co-operation, and especially that of the Afro-Arab Payment Commission in implementing resolutions of the First Afro-Arab Summit in Cairo,

Desirous of strengthening further co-operation among Africans and Arabs;

  1. TAKES NOTE with satisfaction of the Administrative Secretary-Genera’s report on the efforts of the OAU Secretary-General on Afro-Arab Co-operation;

  1. TAKES NOTE OF the Rules of Procedures of the Afro-Arab Standing Commission and of the establishment of the Special Fund aimed at helping the executive organs of the Afro-Arab Co-operation functions;

  1. DECIDES that the Organization of African Unity pay its share which is US Dollars 224, 349.00 to the Special Fund in order to allow the constituted Working Group quickly get off the ground;

  1. CHARGES the Working Groups set up by the First Meeting of the Afro-Arab Standing Commission to study objectively the problems inherent in implementing the Resolutions of the First Afro-Arab Summit in Cairo, and especially as regards financial co-operation, with a view to fully achieving the objective spelt out at the Cairo Afro-Arab Summit;

  1. Congratulates the two Secretaries-General of the OAU and the Arab League for their concerted and co-ordinated efforts towards implementing the Cairo Declaration and resolutions;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to undertake immediately necessary steps, in conjunction with the Arab League Secretary-General in order to constitute as a matter of priority, the working group in charge of financial co-operation;

  1. MANDATES the OAU Administrative Secretary General to undertake in consultation with the Secretary General of the League of Arab States the necessary studies in order to set up a Permanent Executive Unit for Afro-Arab Cooperation;

  1. DECIDES to strengthen the Afro-Arab Cooperation Bureau within the OAU General Secretariat;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to appoint as early as possible a Permanent Representative of the OAU to the League of Arab States;

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations and other international organizations to co-ordinate their efforts with the Arab Group;

  1. DECIDES to renew the membership of the OAU Committee of “TWELFE” which will be compassed of the following Member States Togo, Niger, Liberia, Nigeria, Comoros, Kenya, Cameroon, Gabon, Mozambique, Botswana, Algeria and Egypt.

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