Resolution on the Malabo Office

CM/Res. 579 (XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Having heard the report of the Secretary-General on the state of the Office responsible for OAU assistance to the Republic of Equotorial Guinea,,

Recalling the extraordinary circumstances which led to the setting up of the Office in 1969 following the manoeuvres of imperialists to create instability in the young State of Equotorial Guinea,

Noting with satisfaction that these circumstances no longer exist and that the Republic of Equatorial Guinea now has the structures for bilateral and multilateral relations, which enable it to arrange directly the inter-African assistance she requires;

Noting further that the Office’s activities in the field of assistance have become almost non-existent,

Recalling its recommendation of the Twenty-Seventh Session on the closure of the


  1. RECOMMENDS the closure of the OAU office for assistance in MALABO;

  1. CALLS on the Secretary-General to take, in consultation with the Government of Equatorial Guinea, the necessary steps to give effect to this resolution as early as possible.

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