Resolution on the Question Palestine

CM/Res. 580 (XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Having considered the report of the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU on the Palestine question (Document CM/831 (XXIX),

Recalling the resolution adopted by previous sessions of the Assembly of Head of State and Government and the Council of Ministers on the Palestine question and, in particular, AHG/Res. 77 (XII), CM/Res. 480 (XXVI) and CM/Res. 482 (XXCII) and CM/Res. 529 (XXVIII),

Recalling further the report of the Ad-Hoc Committee for the exercise by Palestinian People of their inalienable rights which reaffirms the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian People to their national homeland in Palestine and the establishment of their independent and sovereign State,

Guided by the principles and objectives of the Charters of the OAU and the U.N. and the common destiny of the African and Arab peoples in their continues joint struggle to recover their land and for the exercise of their inalienable rights, to freedom, peace, self determination and independence,

Having examined the developments of the Palestinian cause and the serious situation which prevails due to the continuation of the Israeli occupation of the Arab countries and its usurpation of the legitimate and inalienable rights, to freedom, peace, self determination and independence,

Having examined the developments of the Palestinian course and the serious situation which prevails due to the continuation of the Israeli occupation of the Arab counties and its usurpation of the legitimate and inalienable rights of the Palestinian People, its refusal to abide by the resolution of the General assembly,

Gravely concerned about the reaffirmation of the aggressive designs and the policy of expansion reiterated in the statement made by all Israeli Governments including those by the newly formed Israeli Government and, in particular, its vicious and expansionist plans in the West Bank of the Jordan River and Gaza and its refusal to recognize the national legitimate rights of the Palestinian People and the exercise of their national sovereignty on their territory,

Noting that the Palestinian Question is the main cause of the problem against Israel,

Reaffirming the legitimacy of the struggle of the Palestinian people under the leadership of the PLO, for the restoration of all their national rights,

Reaffirming that a just and lasting peace cannot be attained except on the basis of total Israeli withdrawal from all the occupied Arab Territories and the recognition of the national legitimate rights of the Palestinian People to their territory, its sovereignty and national independence and its right to self-determination and the creation of its own independent State on its national territory ,

Noting with indignation that the alliance between Israel and the racist regimes in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia aims at continuation of the policy of terrorism, extermination of the Palestinian and Arab peoples in the occupied Arab territories and the African people in South Africa, Namibia and Southern Rhodesia, and that Israel and the racist regimes are pursuing identical methods and manoeuvres,

  1. ENDORSES the report of the Secretary-General as contained in Document CM/821 (XXIX):

  1. FURTHER ENDORSES all previous resolutions by which the Council re-affirmed its total and effective support for the Palestinian People;

  1. REAFFIRMS its total support to the Arab Frontline States and the Palestinian People in their legitimate struggle in order to restore, by all means, the occupied territories and the usurped rights;

  1. DECLARES its total support to the PLO as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian People and its heroic struggle against zionism and racism;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Israeli aggressive designs and policy of expansion as reiterated in the statements of the newly formed Israeli Government;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMDS once more, the alliance between Israel and the racist regimes in South Africa, Southern Rhodesia and invites all Member States to be vigilant against the dangers of this alliance;

  1. CALLS on OAU Member States to step up their diplomatic, economic, political and military isolation of Israel and to support the just cause of the Palestinian People;

  1. ENDORSES the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee for exercise the Palestinian People of their inalienable rights, and, in particular, their legitimated and inalienable rights to return to their national homeland and to create an independent State of Palestine and requests the General Assembly of the UN to take all measures for the implementation of those recommendations;

  1. REQUESTS the Security Council to reconsider its position concerning the recommendations made by the Ad Hoc Committee for the exercise by the Palestinian People of their inalienable rights to take all the necessary measures with a view to implementing these recommendations after they have become the expression of international will by virtue of their adoption by the 31 st Session of the General Assembly;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to follow up the development of the Palestinian Question and present a report to the 30 th Session of the Council of Ministers.

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