Resolution on the Competence of the S.C.S.A.

CM/Res. 583 (XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Recalling resolutions CM/Res. 448 (XXCII) and CM/Res. 526 (XXVIII) on sporting contacts with South Africa,

Whereas the fundamental objective of the S.C.S.A. is to, among other things:

  • seek and apply ways and means of promoting the development of sport in Africa, structurally and in all its forms and manifestations,

  • promote by every possible means the development of sports in Africa so that our Continent may adequately be represented in the world sporting competitions and in particular at the Olympic Games,

  • examine all problems relating to the world sporting movement and adopt a common attitude regarding the stand and participation of African countries,

  • prevent all forms of discrimination based on race, religion or politics in sport against a country or individual,

  • direct sustain African sport in the path of African Unity by promoting mutual understanding and friendship between practitioners and directors of sports,

Whereas the General Assembly of the S.C.S.A. is made up of among others, Ministers of Sport of Member countries of the OAU,

Whereas the Six General Assembly of the S.C.S.A. meeting in Kinshasa in May, 1975 decided that the next decade should be one of for the self-assertion of the African Sporting movement and the total eradication of racial discrimination in sport,

Considering the need for better co-ordination and assignment of responsibilities for more efficiency in our common struggle against racial discrimination in sport,

  1. REAFFIRMS its condemnation of racial discrimination in sports practised by the racist minority regimes of Southern Africa;

  1. EXPRESSES satisfaction with the remarkable results already achieved in the development of sports in Africa and in the struggle against racial discrimination in sports;

  1. DECIDES that, henceforth, the S,C,S,A, as the highest sporting authority in Africa and as a specialized Agency of the OAU is competent to take any decision on sporting problems in Africa guided by the principles enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of African Unity and contained in the relevant OAU Resolutions.

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