Resolution on the Activities of the OAU Executive Secretaries at the UN

CM/Res. 584 (XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Having examined the report by the Administrative Secretary-General, on the activities of the OAU Executive Secretariat at the United Nations, as well as the report on African Candidatures for international organizations (Doc. CM/808 Annex I and Add. 1),

Noting with satisfaction the fruitful cooperation characterising the relations between the two organizations,

Recalling also the important and positive role played by the African States representatives at the U.N. in New York,

Convinced of the necessity of close cooperation among the U.N. Member States and OAU Member States,

Convinced further of the need to strengthen the Executive Secretariat to enable it properly perform its task;

Recalling its resolutions CM/204, CM/233 (X), CM/273 (XIX), CM/351 (XXIII) CM/480 (XXV) and CM/477 (XXVIII),

Reaffirming its keen desire to see the OAU Member States adequately represented in the higher echelons of the General Secretariat as well a sin the specialized institutions of the U.N. system;

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the Administrative Secretary-General’s report on the Activities of the Executive Secretariat;

  1. APPROVES the African candidatures presented to the Thirty-Second General Assembly Session, recommended in document CM/808 Add. 1, by the African Group;

  1. CALLS upon the African Group in the United Nations to maintain unity of purpose in their activities so that they can always achieve greater victories;

  1. CONGRATULATES the African Group and OAU Secretariat in New York for the excellent work they have done in the supreme interest of Africa;

  1. INVITES the Executive Secretariat of the OAU in New York to take appropriate measures to strengthen the good relations existing between the General Secretariats of the U.N.O. and the OAU.

  1. ENCOURAGES cooperation between the U.N.O. and OAU Secretariats in order to speed up the process of decolonization and elimination of colonialism and apartheid in Southern Africa and to promote the new International Economic Order;

  1. PAYS TRIBUTE to the U.N. Secretary General for the commendable efforts he ahs been exerting to maintain peace in the world and for his sustained interest in African problems;

  1. ONCE AGAIN draws the attention of the Secretary General of the OAU and the Directors of the Specialised Agencies to the need for an adequate representation of the Member States of the OAU in the higher echelons of the staff of the United Nations;

  1. INVITES the Executive Secretariat to cooperate very closely with offices of the League of Arab States as well as the Group of Non-aligned Countries at the United Nations so as to strengthen the solidarity of Third World Countries;

  1. ENCOURAGES various progressive organizations in America which support the just struggle of African people for freedom, independence and justice;

  2. ENCOURAGES the African Group and the Executive Secretariat to promote and strengthen their positive action within the United Nations Organization towards public opinion in the United States of America;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary General to provide the Executive Secretariat with the means necessary for the accomplishment of its mission.

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