Resolution on the International Anti-Apartheid

CM/Res. 591 (XXIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty- Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, from 23 rd June to 3 July, 1977,

Recognizing the imperative need for effective international action for the total eradication of apartheid and in support of the just struggle of the oppressed people of South Africa, led by their liberation movements, for freedom,

Considering that maximum efforts must be made to mobilize world public for this purpose,

Taking note of the recommendation of the United Nations Economic and Social Council recommending that 1978 be declared as the International Anti-Apartheid Year,

  1. ENDORSES the proposal to declare 1978 as the International Anti-Apartheid Year;

  1. APPEALS to all Governments and organizations to make maximum efforts during the proposed International Anti-Apartheid Year to inform public opinion of the inhumanity to apartheid, and encourage moral, political and material assistance for the struggle for freedom in South Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General and the African Group at the United Nations to co-operate closely with the Special Committee against Apartheid with a view to promoting effective and world-wide observance of the proposed International Anti-Apartheid Year.

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