Resolution of the Activities of the Administrative Secretary General in the filed of Afro-Arab Co-operation

CM/Res. 595 (XXX)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Having examined the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the activities of the Organization of African Unity General Secretariat in the field of Afro-Arab Co-operation

Recalling the resolutions and declaration of the First Joint Afro -Arab summit in Cairo and of the Second Joint Afro-Arab Ministerial meeting;

Referring to its resolution CM/576 (XXIX) on Afro-Arab Co-operation:

  1. TAKES NOTE with satisfaction of the report of the Administrative Secretary General on Afro-Arab Co-operation;

  1. ENDORSES the recommendation and resolutions of the Standing Commission for Arab Co-operation in its second session in Cairo and CALLS UPON it to exert maximum effort to transform into action the resolution and declarations of the Joint summit;

  1. AUTHORISES the Secretary General to pay the OAU contribution to the Special Fund for the running of the executive bodies for Afro-Arab Co-operation which amounts to US$350,462.00;

  1. URGES Member States which have been called upon to appoint experts representing the African side in the meeting of the Working Group to see to it that t hose experts should be of the highest calibre possible;

  1. EXPRESSES its satisfaction for the efforts deployed by the two Secretaries General of the OAU and of the League of Arab States for the execution of the resolutions and declaration of the Joint Summit and congratulates them on these efforts;

  1. CALLS UPON all Member States to forward to the OAU General Secretariat their proposals and advice concerning the strengthening of Afro-Arab Co-operation;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to follow up closely the recent developments of Afro-Arab Co-operation through contacts with the various institutions concerned and OAU Member States, and to keep the council regularly informed.

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