Resolution on the Granting of Subventions to African Organizations

CM/Res. 597 (XXX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Having considered the requests for subventions submitted by African Organizations and Associations;

Referring to the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Financial matters; Doc. CM/841 (XXX):

  1. DECIDES to grant subventions to the tune of US$500,000 to African Organizations and Associations which applied for them; the break-down of these subventions is as follows:

    1. Encyclopedia Africana Project US$35,000.00

    2. African committee of Trade Union Co-ordination

and action against Apartheid and Colonialism US$15,000.00

    1. Association for the Advancement of

Agricultural Sciences in Africa US$55,000.00

    1. Association for Social Work Education

in Africa US$25,000.00

    1. International Relations Institute of Cameroon US$35,000.00

    2. Panafrican Women’s Organization US$10,000.00

    3. Association of African Universities US$45,000.00

    4. Organization of African Trade Union Unity US$100,000.00

    5. International Association for the Development of Documentation Libraries and Archives

in Africa US$20,000.00

    1. Centre for Co-ordination of Research and and Documentation in Social Sciences in

Sub-Saharan Africa US$20,000.00

    1. Pan African Youth Movement US$30,000.00

    2. Union of National Radio and Television

Organizations of Africa US$20,000.00

    1. Supreme Council for Sports in Africa US$90,000.00

  1. RECALLS that the OAU subventions are not automatically given and that all these African Organizations and associations should be financially self-sufficient.

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