Resolution on the distribution of Working Documents

CM/Res. 601 (XXX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Anxious to ensure equal participation of all Member States in the life of the Organisation especially at the level of its institutions in order to give them maximum efficiency;

Noting that the usual delay in the distribution of working documents to member States has not always made it possible for some of them to contribute effectively and positively to the work of the Institution of OAU,

Recalling the provisions of Rule 11, paragraph (ii) of the functions and Regulations of the General Secretariat which stipulate inter alia: “The Administrative Secretary General shall furthermore transmit to Member States the Budget and Programme of Work at least one month, before convocation of the Sessions of the Assembly of the Council of Ministers, of the Specialized Commissions, and of their organs of the organization”:

  1. ATTRACTS in particular the special attention of the Administrative secretary General to the provision of Rule 11, paragraph (ii) of the functions and Regulations of the General Secretariat;

  1. CALLS UPON the Secretary General to take all necessary steps to ensure that henceforth working documents of the Sessions of the organs of the Organization reach Member States, at least one month before the opening of these sessions;

  1. REQUESTS the Advisory Committee on budgetary and Financial Matters as well as all other Committees to abide by the Calendar of their meetings, in order that their reports may be transmitted to OAU Member States by the Secretary General within the time limits prescribed.

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