Resolution on Report of the Fourth Conference of African Ministers of Industry

CM/Res. 612(XXX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Having received and examined the Administrative Secretary-General’s Report on the 4th conference of African Ministers of Industry and its attachments;

Appreciating the need for the OAU Member States to double their industrial development efforts in order to raise Africa’s industrial output from 0% to 2% of the world’s industrial output by the year 2000 A.D. in accordance with the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action of Industrial Development and Co-operation by the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO);

Recognizing the importance of integrated industrial development of Africa, and the attainment of the 2% of Africa’s contribution to the establishment of a New International Economic Order;

  1. CONGRATULATES the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU, the Executive Secretary of ECA, and the Executive Director of UNIDO for organizing and servicing the 4th Conference of African Ministers of Industry;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for hosting both the Conference itself and the other two related meetings which preceded the Conference, and putting at the disposal of the sponsors of the meetings all the facilities necessary for their success;

  1. EXPRESSES its full support for the decisions made by the Conference;

  1. CALLS UPON all OAU Member States to give every possible political as well as material support to the programme of industrialization elabora ted by the conference;

  1. FURTHER CALLS UPON the OAU Member States to participate in and support sully the symposium proposed to be held in the period 1978/79 on “Industrial Policies and Strategies for Internationally Self-sustaining Development and Diversification, and Collective Self-reliance during the period 1978-2000”;

  1. COMMENDS the report of the Administrative Secretary-General on the Conference as well as the report of the Conference itself and its attachments to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government at its next Ordinary Session;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Administrative Secretary-General to co-operate with the Executive Secretary of ECA and the Executive Director of UNIDO in servicing the proposed Regional Symposium on Industrial Policies and Strategies for Internally Self-sustaining Development and Diversification and collective Self-reliance (1978- 2000);

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to:

    1. Maintain constant contacts with the Executive Secretary of ECA and Executive Director of UNIDO on the progress of the implementation of these projects; and

    1. Retain the question of industrialization of Africa on the agenda of the Council of Ministers and to report from time to time on the progress made in implementing these projects.

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