Resolution on Refugee Problems in Africa

CM/Res. 620 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the OAU meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Having considered the report of the Administrative Secretary-General contained in document CM/884 (XXXI) on the Refugee Problems in Africa,

Recalling the various OAU resolutions on the question of African Refugees and in particular resolutions CM/536 (XXVIII) an dCM/547 (XXIX),

Aware of the gravity of the refugee situation as reflected in the increase in the number of refugees and of Africa’s responsibilities to alleviate the plight of refugees through a permanent solution,

Taking note of the recommendation on the appointment and duties of the OAU/BPEAR National Correspondence and the recommendation on Education and Training of African Refugees made by the Third Seminar of the OAU/BPEAR National Correspondents held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 13 to 17 September, 1977:

  1. COMMENDS the Administrative Secretary-General for the report contained in document CM/884 (XXXI);

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the OAU Member States, the UNCHR and other donor agencies for their generous contributions to programmes in favour of African refugees;

  1. DECIDES that contributions to the OAU Special fund referred to in operative paragraph 7 of resolution CM/Res. 547 (XXIX) be made compulsory as a measure to increase the volume of assistance to refugee programmes;

  1. INVITES the OAU/BPEAR to collaborate closely with the UNHCR and other Agencies engaged in refugee work in Africa in finding a permanent solution to the refugee problems;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU/BPEAR to give every assistance to those National Liberation Movements engaged in self-help projects in connection with refugees from their respective countries;

  1. URGES the Administrative Secretary-General to take appropriate measures to ensure the early resumption of the financial operations of the BPEAR accounts;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to contact the League of Arab States, BADEA and other Arab Institutions to solicit financial assistance for African refugees;

  1. ENDORSES the recommendations of the Third Seminar of the OAU/BPEAR National Correspondence of September, 1977;

  1. CALLS UPON the Administrative Secretary-General to convene, as a matter or urgency, the meeting of the Committee of Experts set up under resolution CM/536 (XXVIII).

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